Friday, November 6, 2009

The Haunting

We have two neighbors who live downstairs from us, named Colby and Ashley. They are such a cool couple. We thought it would be fun to play a little practical joke on Colby, and we enlisted Ashley's help.

For a little background, we bought our house in mid-July of this year. About a month ago, they told us that they had both been hearing spooky things downstairs in the middle of the night, such as voices and loud knocking. The voices even mentioned a certain man named Dominic. For a better description, see Ashley's blog linked to this page ("Story of a Girl's Life"). It was really creepy, and even typing about it gives me chills. However, we have chalked these incidents up to Liz's late-night workouts, which involve lots of jumping and a guy in the workout DVD named Dominic. We'd rather believe that than that our house might be haunted.

Anyway, a few days ago, we lent Ashley our baby monitor to hide in one of their rooms. She hid it, and then when Colby came home, she mentioned to Colby that she had been hearing those scary sounds again. She then brought Colby to the room where the monitor was hidden, and soon Hiram was speaking into the monitor (from upstairs) as Dominic. He talked about how his mother had died and some other scary stuff. Ashley acted scared, and Colby was pretty scared too. Who was talking to him?

But, acting as the man of the house, he investigated and soon uncovered the monitor. And he was mad, but then realized it was actually pretty funny, in a sort of twisted way. So now Liz and Hiram will be watching their backs. And hoping that Dominic does not return.