This was a great holiday season! We had a very unconventional one because both Hiram and Liz work in healthcare. Hiram had to work Christmas Eve, Christmas night, New Year's Eve, and New Year's night! As well as Thanksgiving night and the nights before and after. And Liz had to work New Year's night too. And Thanksgiving. Behold the low end of the totem pole:)
This was on Christmas Eve, which Liz and Bethany spent with the Thorntons. Bethany was NOT trying to terrorize her cousin Matt, though this photo looks somewhat incriminating;)

At any rate, we actually got to spend some nice quality time with each other between shifts. Here are some highlights:
Here are Liz and Bethany with some of our Christmas loot, opened Christmas afternoon.

Bethany loved the wrapping paper.
... and the tree.This is a hat Hiram knitted for Liz, but it looks cute on Bethany too. Liz also took a picture of Hiram seductively flaunting this same hat, but it got mysteriously erased from Liz's camera. Who could have done such a thing?
We made gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. This is Liz's. It's a mobile home.
This is Hiram's. It's an obstacle course.
And this is Bethany's. We're not quite sure what she had in mind.
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