Liz was ready to have a baby, by the time August came. These summer pregnancies get you pretty toasty!
This was Liz at 39 weeks. And a flailing Bethany on the couch.
Sunday, August 7th, Liz started feeling contractions. She really didn't want to spend money on an epidural, so her plan was to wait until absolutely necessary to go to the hospital. She did lots of walking to move labor along. After midnight, with steady contractions, we drove to the hospital. And Liz was dilated to 7 cm! But she stopped progressing and eventually asked for the epidural after all. So much for being cheap:P
Liz would like to personally thank whoever invented epidurals. This one was wonderful! Hiram, with his broken ribs and pelvis, got to stop doing counterpressure to relieve Liz's labor pain. And of course, Liz could sleep while labor just sort of happened.
Our baby came out at 8:12 am the next morning. We (meaning Liz) had decided not to find out our baby's gender. Hiram had peeked at the ultrasound and had been telling Liz that he knew what the baby was (but not telling her WHAT it was). Liz didn't believe he actually knew. But it turns out he did know. It was a girl!!!!!So Hiram can keep a secret after all:) We named her Hannah Lee Thornton. She was a big girl- 8lbs, 5 oz. And she's beautiful!
And a happy family picture, minus a pretty gross-looking Liz
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