That's a direct quote from Liz's dad, who came to visit last week. We actually think he had a great time. At least we did! Here are some of the major events:
We visited Hogle Zoo:
Bethany even let her grandpa hold her! This is new for her- she used to scream when he came near! In this picture, Dad is telling Liz to take the picture quick. Before she changes her mind.
Sam defended his masters thesis in math, at BYU. Dad, Liz, Bethany, John, and Amy (and many others, of course...) attended his presentation. Liz probably understood about as much as Bethany, though Bethany had a more intelligent look on her face as she listened. She's a wise one, and she behaved pretty well at her first thesis defense. Here's a picture of us eating lunch afterwards:
We ate pizza at John and Amy's apartment the next night. This is a Corson family tradition dating back through the ages, and it did not disappoint.
Amy even managed to sneak some nutrition into our feast, with a whole wheat crust!
John and Amy showing some love
And at Hiram and Liz's house:
Bethany loved climbing on Dad's stomach, exploring his nose, pulling his hair, and admiring his suspenders and buttons. And Dad didn't seem to mind at all!
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