A couple of weeks ago, we went down to Zion's National Park, to spend a couple of nights camping. This was especially exciting with a baby. We took the long drive Sunday night, past a town called Enoch, UT and Kolob Canyon, down to Zion's. It was gorgeous, as the name would imply!
Hiram did most of the camping work- setting up the tent, building a fire, cooking, etc. Liz kept Bethany from eating all the dirt and plants. (By the way, this was more easily said than done during diaper changes on our hikes.)
Zion's has some great hikes for young families. We pushed Bethany in our jogging stroller, and she seemed to like the sights as much as we did. In fact, she probably enjoyed one hike MORE than we did; we accidentally took a wrong turn while heading up to the Emerald Pools, which took us up a big, steep hill with many stairs and big rocks. We actually had to lift/carry the stroller by the wheels in some parts. (And then, of course, back down!)
Hiram got his workout. See, Bethany was loving it! (But not loving the hat)
The view was spectacular! Look at that blue sky!
Had enough.
This was our second hike of the day. On this hike, we had some pretty close encounters with deer and squirrels who WERE NOT scared of people. No, Bethany, we don't pet the squirrels.
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