Bethany is currently training for the Salt Lake Baby Olympics. She's been working on several events:
1. The high dive. Last week, Liz was changing Bethany's diaper on the changing table. She bent down to grab a clean diaper, and as she looked up, Bethany had just climbed off the end of the table. Liz caught her by her leg on the way down. Nailed that landing!
2. Karate. Bethany broke Liz's flash drive in half while it was plugged into the computer. Hi-yah!
3. Speed crawling. She is hard to catch. Her latest interests include an open fridge and a mousetrap that she tried to eat (which we have now relocated).
4. Speed rolling. She loves to unroll the toilet paper.
5. Swimming. Her mean parents make her do this in the bath tub rather than the toilet, which is where she would rather be.
6. Sharp shooting. How does she manage to find those tiny things on what we thought was a clean floor? We only see them as she tries to put them into her mouth.
7. She also wows us with her vocals and dancing. She likes to sing, and we love to listen. And when she's excited about something she kicks those little legs like crazy.
Here are some pictures of her in action:
Our little bundle of energy
Bethany is easily distracted from her one true love (milk) these days
Enjoying her dinner in many ways
That's our girl! And we know where she gets it from. *cough* Hiram* cough
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